A job

Choosing a job to develop yourself is very difficult, mainly because is something that you will probably do during all your life. When I think of a job to do, I cannot imagine me working in an office all day week by week, I need to be in contact with nature and the world, that’s why the job that I would like to do in the future is constructing self-sustaining houses.

A few years ago I heard about sustainable houses, with crops, solar panels, water purifiers, etc. And I found that it was an incredible idea to these times. Working as a builder is something that has always called my attention and mixing the mentioned idea with construction is what motivated me the most. I really like this job because it helps the planet by not using dirty energy or elements to live. It is very important to know that to work in this you have to very responsible, passionated with nature and creative. I really think that this is a good job because, as I mentioned before, it helps the planets and also helps you to develop yourself as a better human being worried by the planet.  

This is a work that we all can do, maybe not building the house by yourself, but giving the idea to people, or asking someone else to help you to start forming your self-sustaining house. Life cost is every day more expensive and this little change can be helpful for us to live cheaper and better.


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